Hampton Nursery - Our Areas
The Baby Unit
Our Baby unit is small and caring, it can accommodate up to 9 children. The staff are experienced and work regular days for continuity. There are lots of educational toys for free-play activities together with a wide range of sensory experiences for your child to discover and enjoy.
At Hampton Nursery we pride ourselves on having a close partnership with parents working together to achieve the Early Learning Goals outlined in "The Early Years Foundation Stage."
On induction we aim to get to know your child well, discussing your child's particular likes and dislikes, their sleeping / feeding patterns in order to aid transition between the home and nursery environment.
We offer short settling in sessions which are optional building up to your requirements. We initially focus on Personal and Social development whilst your child is "settling in" to nursery as we believe that a happy ,secure child will learn. We invite parents into the nursery for an initial 6 week check meeting and aim to see you each term for progress meetings.
Your child will have a Key person, they will follow your child's progress by setting a" Individual learning plan "with ongoing" Next Steps Assessment" All goals are evidence based and we take lots of group photographs which are displayed in entrance areas. All individual photographs will be uploaded on to your child's Tapestry account.

Our Children transfer from the Baby Unit at approximately 18 months to the Tweenie room. The children are already familiar with the staff which aids transition.
As there is minimal turnover the staff know the children well. Child and Adult led activities will keep your child focused on learning to achieve the outcomes set out in The Early Years Foundation Stage. We offer lots of educational toys for Free play activities together with sensory experiences.
Now that the children are more active and independent we go outside into our play areas to extend activities twice daily weather permitting. Extra curricular activities include Rhythm Time and we go on outings with the children throughout the year.
We have a strong partnership with parents and invite you in for “Stay and Play Sessions."
Your child will be appointed a Key person who will follow their progress throughout the year with ongoing Next Steps
All goals are evidenced based with group photographs on display in the entrance area.
Our Tweenie room is a fun place to be!

Pre-school group
In our Pre-School group the” Learning Journey “continues with focused group activities to stimulate your child’s imagination and promote learning. You will be able to see this at any point on your child's online tapestry account. Your child’s Key person is available at all times to discuss your child’s education and we aim to see you termly for regular progress check meetings.
Extra Curricular activities, including Rhythm Time and Forest School, together with the latest technology for your child to explore . We have a large outdoor area and we go outside twice daily to extend our activities .
We have a strong partnership with parents and together will guide your child to learn through play in line with “The Early Years Foundation Stage “ to reach their full potential.
3 & 4 year funding is available either on a term time only basis, or is deducted directly from monthly fees. This will be in place the term after your child’s 3rd birthday.
We aim to prepare your child for school leaving us happy and confident. We are available in school holidays for children to return to a caring familiar environment during their first year at school.