Hampton Nursery - The Learning Journey
At Hampton Nursery we pride ourselves in having a close partnership with parents working together to achieve the Early Learning Goals outlined in "The Early Years Foundation Stage."
On induction we aim to get to know your child well, discussing your child's particular likes and dislikes, their sleeping and feeding patterns in order to aid transition between the home and nursery environment.
Your "Child's Learning Journey" will be availble for you to look at any time. When your child starts nursery you will be emailed a link, this will be to set up your tapestry account. You can have two accounts per child, this will only be accessible to you and the nusery staff. This programme will give you the opportunity to access your child’s personal folder and will also allow you to upload your own observations from home. You will be able to comment on observations and will have access to your child’s photos and any videos that have been recorded. Parent meetings with your child’s key person will be held termly.
Your child will be appointed a Key person who will follow their progress, and will set an Individual learning plan "with ongoing" Next Steps Assessments.
All goals are evidence based following the early years foundation stage.
We take lots of photographs which are displayed in entrance areas. All individual photographs will be uploaded to your child's tapestry.
Settling in sessions
We offer short settling in sessions which are optional building up to your requirements. We initially focus on Personal and Social development whilst your child is "settling in" to nursery as we believe that a happy ,secure child will learn. We invite parents into nursery for an initial 6 week check and aim to see you each term to discuss your child's progress and any concerns you may have regarding your child at nursery.